When it comes to running a successful storage facility, location is everything. Let’s dive into why you should pay close attention to where your storage units are situated.

Convenience and Accessibility

Think about your customers. They want convenience. If your facility is close to their home or business, they’ll save time and hassle. Frequent visits won’t feel like a chore when they don’t have to drive across town. And in emergencies, having a storage unit nearby can be a real lifesaver for them.

Make sure to test the market and do your research. The Self Storage Association is a great place to find valuable information on trends.

Cost Efficiency

Transportation costs can add up quickly for customers. If your storage facility is nearby, they’ll spend less on gas and avoid those long drives back and forth. Highlight this benefit to potential customers, as it’s a strong selling point.

Safety and Security

The neighborhood of your storage facility matters. Locations in safer areas are less prone to break-ins and vandalism. Customers will have peace of mind knowing their belongings are stored in a secure place. It’s always worth checking out the safety of the area before committing. 

Environmental Factors

Climate can also be a big factor for your customers. Facilities in areas with moderate climates are better for their belongings, reducing the risk of damage from extreme weather conditions. Hot and humid climates make great spots for climate controlled units. And don’t forget about natural disasters—choose a location that’s less likely to be affected by floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes to keep their items safe.

Local Regulations and Zoning

Local laws can impact your storage business too. Make sure your facility complies with all local regulations and zoning laws. Some places have restrictions on what can be stored or the size of the units, which can affect your business operations.

You will also want to make sure you’re able to have ample lighting outside of your facility to keep your tenants safe.

Market Rates and Availability

Pricing can vary widely depending on the location. Urban areas might be more expensive due to high demand, whereas suburban or rural areas might offer more options and larger units at better rates. It’s all about finding the right balance for your budget and needs.

Drive-By Business

Here’s something that might not be on your radar: drive-by business. A storage facility located on a busy road or near a major intersection gets a lot of eyeballs. High visibility means more potential customers who see your facility while driving by. This can lead to more impulse rentals and increased brand awareness. The more people who see your facility, the more likely they are to think of you when they need storage solutions.

In the end, choosing the right location for your storage facility involves a mix of convenience, cost, security, and market considerations. By taking the time to evaluate these factors, you’ll find a location that not only meets your customers’ needs but also captures that all-important drive-by business. So, take a drive around, scout a few locations, and do your research to find the spot that feels just right for your next storage facility.

Once you have your facility location picked out, schedule a demo with 6Storage so we can show you how to run your business with ease! 6Storage has everything you need from management software, website design and even SEO and Marketing services. We can’t wait to go on your self storage journey with you.

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