Technology has brought numerous changes in the ways we do business in the storage industry. Introducing self-storage management software in your storage business equals high productivity, better control, improved efficiency, and, eventually, much better customer experiences. Understandably, these are critical qualities if you expect to stay ahead of your storage competitors and gain high revenues and numerous chances for improvement and further development.

So, how can you master the requirements of this new trend and use it to your advantage? Here is a comprehensive explanation of what this software is and why you need it.

What is Self-Storage Management Software?

Simply said, self-storage management software is a system that enables storage owners to manage their units remotely and have all the key pieces of information at hand at all times. You can easily access the data on available units, customer balances, accounting, payment processing, customer notes, etc. This helps you focus on your business more intensively, saves your time, and gives you much better control of your workflow. When you combine it with an effective, well-organized, and eye-catching website following the rules of impressive Chicago web design, for example, you get a winning combination.

Online marketing and perfectly functioning self-storage management software are the factors that can help you reach your prospective tenants and provide them with exceptional customer experience.

What Are the Benefits of Using Self-Storage Management Software?

The benefits of using self-storage management software are numerous and should be studied to the finest detail before even starting a self-storage facility. The most important benefits include:

Recurring Billing

Unlike the standard accounting types of software which were in use until recently, self-storage management software enables owners to apply recurring billing for prorated charges. At any point while using your services, clients can get a thorough report on payment details – a quality they value greatly.

Readily Available Facility Information

The software stores the vital information on your storage facilities – their type, size, location, availability, etc. – in the database. Whenever necessary, storage owners can access these pieces of information in a matter of seconds.

Track Deals and Special Offers

Self-storage management software can help you keep track of a great variety of packing, rent, and time-based deals and keep these data safe, updated, and available at all times.


Now, it is possible to lock out your non-payers by using the gate software and keep all your facilities much more secure.

Revenue Management

Proper self-storage management software will include a wide range of activities from simple billing of your tenants to tailoring the rates for certain clients according to a set of complex rules.

Choosing self-storage management software is of utmost importance because your choice will influence the success of the whole cycle from the moment a potential client sends an inquiry until the client eventually moves out of a storage facility.

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing and Purchasing Self-Storage Management Software

Once the perfect time to open a storage facility comes, you need to know how to choose the self-storage management software you want to use. These are the common mistakes you should avoid.

Being Late With the Software Purchase

It is essential to choose software at least six months before officially entering the storage business. The reasons for this have a sensible explanation. Your software needs are unique and the system you choose has to be designed to fit your storage facility needs. Having enough time to consider all viable options and then choose the most appropriate one is of key importance. Also, the moment you start advertising your storage services and negotiating with prospective clients, this system should already be well-designed, organized, and working.

Get down to choosing self-storage management software well in advance. This way you will find the option that suits your needs best and that can help you create a positive relationship with your future clients.

Not Choosing a Flexible Management Program

Hopefully, your storage business will go through continuous development which is possible if you can keep up with the changing demands of the business. Hence, you need software that will be adaptable to your changes in policy and rules in order to follow and support your business. Otherwise, you risk being in a situation to adapt your business to the software limitations instead of vice versa.

Make sure you can adapt the software to your business. Otherwise, you risk slowing down the progress and limiting the development.

Purchasing Software that Won’t Work with Other Systems

It can be a serious obstacle to performing your business efficiently and successfully if you choose software that does not integrate with other systems you use, for example, online payment options, photo identification, access control, electronic payment processing, etc. A mistake like this will prevent your software from following the development and growth of your business.

Choosing Software with Insufficient Payment Options

When selecting self-storage management software it is important to choose one that will offer various and unrestricted payment options to your clients. Only this way can you expect timely payments for your services and a positive relationship with your tenants. Also, the more payment options you offer, the fewer excuses your clients can make to avoid paying.

Choosing the Wrong Software Provider

It is critical to cooperate with genuine professionals only. This is the only approach to doing the storage business that guarantees long-term success. Each of your investments should be made smartly, after thoroughly contemplating the benefits and downsides of every decision. A top-quality self-storage management software provider is a reliable partner who will help you turn all your business goals into reality.

Succeed with Self Storage Solutions From 6Storage

Self-storage management software in the storage business is important because:

It gives you better control of your business.
You have easy access to all critical pieces of information at all times and from everywhere.
You can manage revenues much more easily.
Your business strategies are transparent to your clients, which boosts credibility and trust, and builds a positive relationship.
It offers numerous payment options to your clients, so delayed payments are brought to a minimum.
The security of your facilities is improved since you can easily lock out non-payers.

Owning and operating self storage facilities requires a strong foundation in order to succeed. Accelerate achievements with smart self storage solutions. 

From cloud-based self storage management software to a reliable remote gate access system, 6Storage offers user-friendly support to the self storage industry. In addition, 6Storage offers website services and an advanced 3D storage calculator

If you’re looking for affordable self storage solutions designed by industry experts offered at competitive prices, look no further than 6Storage! Contact us to level up your storage business and experience our white-glove service.

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