Your Path to Profit and Protection

Increase your bottom line, increase your property appraised value, and easily earn extra revenue.

6Storage Tenant Protection covers fires, windstorms, theft, and damage from rodents and insects. In the event of a claim, your tenant will receive the replacement costs for their goods vs. the depreciated value.

Explore the benefits of 6Storage Tenant Protection

No Deductible

Tenants receive full replacement cost without out-of-pocket expenses.

Easy Integration:

Seamlessly add protection plans to tenant invoices through our 6Storage management software.

Takes responsibility in the event of theft

Takes responsibility in the event of theft

Takes responsibility for water damage in the event of a windstorm, roof leak, or broken pipes

Takes responsibility for household and commercial goods

Takes responsibility for fire and/or smoke damage

Why 6Storage Tenant Protection?

Choose from tailored coverage options for storage units and vehicle parking, including catalytic converter protection. 

Storage Unit Policy:

Parking Policy:

Fill out our contact form to receive more information and start earning additional revenue today!

Why 6Storage Tenant Protection?

With multiple customizable protection plans available, your tenants can select a plan that is best for them and protect their belongings for just pennies a day. Meanwhile, you earn up to 70% of the monthly premium collected, and can use this to cover the cost of your 6Storage Management Software.

6Storage Tenant Protection fully integrates with your 6Storage Management Software, automatically adding tenant protection plans to your tenants’ invoices each month.

Protection Levels 




Plans are priced monthly. The amount tenants are charged for the plans is at the discretion of the facility owner. 6Storage will provide an industry standard recommendation for each plan. The $2,000 plan is for the Park and Protect policy.

Additional 6Storage Tenant Protection Benefits

No Deductible

Tenants receive full replacement cost without out-of-pocket expenses.

Easy Integration

Seamlessly add protection plans to tenant invoices through our 6Storage management software.​

Online Claims Customer Portal

Tenants can file their claims online.

Tenant Peace of Mind

Tenants can rest assured knowing their valuables are protected against unforeseen events.​

Additional Revenue Stream

Facility owners can set competitive premiums, earning up to 70% of the monthly premium collected.​

Explore the benefits of 6Storage Tenant Protection

No Deductible

Tenants receive full replacement cost without out-of-pocket expenses.

Easy Integration:

Seamlessly add protection plans to tenant invoices through our 6Storage management software.

Additional Revenue Stream

Facility owners can set competitive premiums, earning up to 70% of the monthly premium collected.

Peace of Mind

Tenants can rest assured knowing their valuables are protected against unforeseen events.

© Copyright 6Storage 2024. All Rights Reserved.


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