Don’t Miss out on Potential Profits from Investing in RV and Boat Storage Whether you’re considering how to expand your self storage business or where to begin your career in the industry, RV and Boat Storage could be the answer you’re looking for. Storage experts agree that this niche self storage market is seeing remarkable...
Blogging on your self storage website is one of the best ways to increase visitors and grow your business. Businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than businesses that don’t. And since consumers are doing the majority of their research and shopping online now, a website and blog are a must! If you’ve been...
Customer service trends in self storage move away from face-to-face assistance and toward contactless communication. Why? Because that’s what customers want. 81% of all customers attempt to take care of matters themselves before reaching out to a live representative. This doesn’t make your self storage staff obsolete. But it does open the door for...
Self Storage Security Sells — Increase Tenant Occupancy with Improved Security Features. Everyone has different needs and considerations in mind when looking to rent a secure storage unit. But no matter what else is on their list, we guarantee that peace of mind is at the top. Make sure your facility is able to keep...
Technology has brought numerous changes in the ways we do business in the storage industry. Introducing self-storage management software in your storage business equals high productivity, better control, improved efficiency, and, eventually, much better customer experiences. Understandably, these are critical qualities if you expect to stay ahead of your storage competitors and gain high revenues...
Electronic Payment Options Transform the Self Storage Industry Businesses in every industry are making the move to electronic payment options, and self storage is no different. The modern consumer base prefers online and digital payments because they are easy, fast, and secure. The storage industry professionals at 6Storage have the inside scoop on the various...
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