Storage unit stories. All facility owners have them. Some may be about rude customers, some may be about people going viral for living in your storage unit. (like this couple) Managing a storage facility can be a rewarding endeavor, but like any business, it comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common issues storage facility owners face is dealing with troublesome tenants. Let’s dive into what qualifies a tenant as troublesome and how to handle these situations effectively.

First, let’s identify what makes a tenant troublesome. Here are some common behaviors that can cause headaches for storage facility owners:

  • Disrespectful Behavior: Tenants who are rude or aggressive towards staff or other tenants.
  • Storing Dangerous Items: Those who store hazardous or illegal items, posing safety risks.
  • Living in the Unit: Tenants attempting to reside in their storage unit, which is a major health and safety violation.
  • Intentional Damage: Tenants who cause damage to the property or other units.
  • Consistent Late Payments: Those who habitually pay late or refuse to pay.

If you find yourself dealing with a troublesome tenant, here’s a step-by-step approach to manage the situation:

  1. Establish Clear Policies: Ensure your rental agreements are clear and detailed. This helps prevent misunderstandings and sets expectations from the start.
  2. Communicate Regularly: Send reminders for payments and facility rules. Being proactive can prevent issues from escalating and shows tenants that you are attentive and organized.
  3. Address Issues Immediately: As soon as a problem arises, contact the tenant. Sometimes a simple conversation can resolve the issue before it becomes a bigger problem.
  4. Implement Late Fees: To deter late payments, have a structured late fee policy and enforce it consistently. This not only encourages timely payments but also helps you manage your cash flow better.
  5. Offer Payment Plans: If a tenant is struggling financially, consider offering a payment plan to help them catch up. This shows empathy and can often resolve the issue without further conflict.
  6. Document Everything: Keep records of all interactions and incidents. This documentation can be crucial if legal action becomes necessary. Detailed records provide a clear history of the tenant’s behavior and your responses.

In more serious cases, such as when a tenant is storing hazardous materials or living in their unit, a more decisive action is needed. Issue a formal warning outlining the violation and required actions. If the tenant doesn’t comply, you may need to consider eviction.

Eviction should always be a last resort. Here are some reasons why you might need to evict a tenant and the process to follow:

Reasons for Eviction:

  • Non-Payment of Rent: If a tenant consistently fails to pay.
  • Lease Violations: Such as storing prohibited items or causing damage.
  • Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities within the unit.
  • Living in the Unit: Using the unit as a residence.

Steps to Evict a Tenant:

  1. Review Lease Agreement: Ensure the tenant’s actions violate the lease terms.
  2. Issue a Warning: Send a formal warning letter detailing the violations and required actions.
  3. Serve an Eviction Notice: If the tenant doesn’t comply, serve a formal eviction notice.
  4. Follow Legal Procedures: Adhere to state laws for eviction to avoid legal complications.
  5. Hire Legal Counsel: If needed, consult a lawyer to guide you through the process.
  6. Remove Tenant’s Property: Follow legal steps for removing the tenant’s belongings.
  7. Change Locks and Update Records: Ensure the unit is secure and update your records.

Dealing with troublesome tenants is part and parcel of managing a storage facility. By having clear policies, maintaining open lines of communication, and taking prompt action when issues arise, you can handle these challenges effectively and keep your business running smoothly. Remember, you always want your tenants, you and your employees to feel safe at your facility. Here is a great blog from ISS about feeling safe at your facility.


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